3/21/24 – Strategic Skipping

Summary: Today we talked about strategic skipping on the ACT and then tried 10 real ACT problems (TQ09).

Steps to a successful ACT…

  1. “Skip” about half of the questions in the math section of the ACT. This gives you extra time to focus on other problems.
  2. With your extra time you will go back and answer these “skipped” questions.
  3. In the last two minutes of the test go back and guess “C” on all remaining skipped questions.
  4. No questions should be left unanswered when time runs out.

Homework: none

3/20/24 – Intro to the ACT

Summary: Today we started to talke about the ACT which will be given to all juniors on April 9thth. The math section of the test is 60 minutes long and it comprised of 60 multiple choice questions. The goal is to get 34 of those questions right to achieve and overall ACT score of 24.

Skills You Will Need to be Successful on ACT

  • Math Skills
  • Desmos Graphing Calculator Skills
  • Time Management Skills
  • Skim Reading Skills
  • Decision Making Under Pressure Skill
  • A Little Bit of Luck

Today we also took a short quiz about some ACT facts and then did our fist ACT practice problems in Kahoot.

Homework: none