Summary: Agenda…
- 8-Card Code Review
- 8-Card Programs #7-#9 late submissions will not be accepted after Monday.
- Tri-Tac-Toe Program submissions will not be accepted After Monday.
Summary: Agenda…
Summary: Today we practiced for Friday’s test (CA03).
Homework: Complete slides #1-? above.
Summary: Today we learned more about inverse functions.
How to find the inverse f-1(x)
Homework: none (continue working on Monday’s Delta Math assignment, due Friday)
Summary: Today we started building out tri-tac-toe game (template) using the Model View Controller design pattern.
Homework: 8-Card Challenges #8-9 (due Thursday)
Summary: Today we continued to prepare for this Friday’s test by practicing simplifying expressions with radicals and rational exponents (CA02).
Homework: Today’s Delta Math assignment is due on Friday (the day of our test).
Summary: Today we started using the 8 Card IDE. This IDE should help you, write, develop, and test your code. You are responsible for all testing and should only submit code once you have tested it and are sure that it always works.
Homework: 8-Card Challenges #1-7 (due Monday)
Summary: Today we learned about how to simplify cube roots and 4th roots and other different types of radicals.
We also we learned about Rational Exponents, how to simplify radical expressions, and how to convert between exponent form and radical form.
Homework: Finish the online delta math assignment from yesterday.
Summary: Today we practiced rules of exponents on our laptops (CA01)…
Homework: Delta Math Rules of Exponents #1 (due Friday) (CA01)
Homework: see above