Homework: see above
Summary: Today we had a sub and there were two things we had on our agenda…
Homework: none
Summary: Today we had a substitute. Many people were absent yesterday. Please help your partner take notes and complete the Boolean Logic slides below.
Homework: See above.
Summary: Today’s test…
Homework: Complete your test corrections on paper. You will enter them into the computer tomorrow.
Homework: see above
Summary: Today we reviewed for tomorrows test…
First make sure you have completed “Division Practice and More”…
Summary: Today’s Activity
Homework: Coming soon…
Summary: Today we started to talk about functions and return values. We also talked about local variables vs global variables.
Homework: see above
Summary: today we learned how to divide polynomials in instances where the answer has a remainder. See the example below or a more detailed visual here.
Homework: none