2/14/25 – Code Review / Game Project


Calorie App Code Gallery…

    1. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/tMyTf7QlAh5FSk5YQvBinESnKC8OQWqYNmOVc_1M0ks
    2. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/PdF7sdEsnRenL2lULW2_zunGka4b-7dkVXjw_QoCzRs
    3. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/eMGsffuGeALaQ5ZbaRO4e71IOzskLwJ7kUypGkuORnc
    4. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/3v8ia7B1XCQV05jbPEuzddVrAzeXc2lxFKmduE9V-cw
    5. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/2d14aQXb1Sk4xbfYilWITkTtjh9yD4WKHBNwvY3XThk
    6. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/YHKEKDLNdgr2QQndEdEXVpxdqjl5YB4L44wQkAGpH-g
    7. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/Nv89rN1GF-KkUtEuU2EAnuoU0Ky2_ah2K2IgGVApK28
    8. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/1tL5Q7hL6XLkTbwYIJSF4YCtQfXsoImUkWt7CKhnjp8
    9. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/UVT4zyGhK7Kb7hZJsc_S6sFKZOCoVaQwuk_jVCf3Djc

Game Project:

  1. Piccolo (Nonogram / Picross)
    • 4×4 Board
    • Start by creating a function that takes a picture and creates the guide/hints.
  2. Hopper (template)
    • Start by creating a function that takes a list representing the initial puzzle, and shows it on the board.

Homework: All Late/Missing Work is due Wednesday!

2/13/25 – Natural Log

Summary: Today we learned about the number e

At the end we took notes about natural logarithms. A natural log is simply a log that has a base of e. Remember the number e is approximately 2.71





Homework: All late/missing work is due on Wednesday.


I Love You

Let me tell you about my favorite person. I am in love with her. All my friends think I am crazy but they don’t understand. We all agree that she is brilliant, but they think she is too good for me. She doesn’t agree with them. She tells me she thinks we are a great match, and that anyone who disagrees is kidding themselves. These are the are the things that I like about her.