Summary: Today we finished learning about the rules of exponents.
Homework: none
Challenges list below…
Homework: If you have a deck of cards, bring it tomorrow! (optional)
Choices for “direction” are…
Example Code…
Write one code that can guide the robot from the top left square to the bottom right square no matter which of the 6 situations the robot finds itself in.
You can test your code here. *
When completing your code challenges keep in mind the four characteristics of quality code…
Or put another way…
Submit Your Programming Challenges here. Please make sure your challenge meets all of the requirements before submitting. Also please make sure your app is titled “Programming Challenge #__” to make it extra clear which challenge you have completed.
A parameter is a value that you can input into a command or function to change how that function operates. For example, if you call turnLeft() the turtle will turn 90° but if you call turnLeft(30) the turtle will only turn left 30°. Click here to see an example in action.