Summary: Due at the end of the week are Programming Challenges…
- PC#14 (List App #4)
- PC#15 (Random Icons)
- PC#16 (List App #5)
- PC#10 (2-Button App)
Homework: See above.
Summary: Due at the end of the week are Programming Challenges…
Homework: See above.
Summary: Today we learned some shortcuts to find the sum of long series. See some in class examples here. Or see more examples here. Today we only covered arithmetic series.
Homework: HW
Summary: Due at the end of the week are Programming Challenges…
Homework: See above.
Summary: Today’s code review.
Summary: Today we learned how to analyze sequences even if the given terms are nonconsecutive. See a PDF of examples here (1, 2). Or watch the video examples below…
Today’s activity (CA06)…
Homework: Complete the Slides in Today’s Activity (due by the end of class on Wednesday 1/29) *
Summary: Today’s code review.
Homework: Programming Challenges #11-#13 (due Monday)
Summary: Today’s activity (CA05)…
Also you may want to take this time to enter your Test Corrections.
Homework: Today’s Slide (due by the end of class on Wednesday 1/29)