Summary: The sequence below is an Arithmetic Sequence meaning a constant difference is being added to each term. The 1 from a0 which is hiding before the green 4.
Homework: HW01 (it says #3 but it is homework #1)
Summary: The sequence below is an Arithmetic Sequence meaning a constant difference is being added to each term. The 1 from a0 which is hiding before the green 4.
Homework: HW01 (it says #3 but it is homework #1)
Summary: Today we started learning about lists (aka arrays).
Homework: tba
Summary: Code Review (Sort)
Summary: Today we spent the class working on CA 01, CA 02, and CA 03 or prepare for tomorrow’s test.
Homework: Complete the three assignments above.
Summary: Agenda…
Summary: Today we practiced for Friday’s test (CA03).
Homework: Complete slides #1-? above.
Summary: Today we learned more about inverse functions.
How to find the inverse f-1(x)
Homework: none (continue working on Monday’s Delta Math assignment, due Friday)
Summary: Today we started building out tri-tac-toe game (template) using the Model View Controller design pattern.
Homework: 8-Card Challenges #8-9 (due Thursday)
Summary: Today we continued to prepare for this Friday’s test by practicing simplifying expressions with radicals and rational exponents (CA02).
Homework: Today’s Delta Math assignment is due on Friday (the day of our test).