1/14/24 – Tri-Tac-Toe

Summary: Today we started building out tri-tac-toe game (template) using the Model View Controller design pattern.


  1. Create the template in design mode (done by Mx. Epstein)
  2. Discuss desired/expected behavior of the app.
  3. Create a list of all the variables for the Model. Also note the type of each variable (eg: string, boolean, number etc.)
  4. Code the Model part of the app, which will just be creating the variables.
  5. Code the View part of the app, which will just be adding code to the updateScreen() function. Remember that the View should only look at the model and update the screen appropriately.
  6. Test the View part of the app by changing the values of the variables in the Model and making sure that when the View runs that the screen reflects the model correctly.
  7. Code the Model part of the app.
  8. Test the Model part of the app by using the app and finding/fixing any bugs.

Homework: 8-Card Challenges #8-9 (due Thursday)

1/13/25 – Practicing Radical and Exponent Properties

Summary: Today we continued to prepare for this Friday’s test by practicing simplifying expressions with radicals and rational exponents (CA02).

  1. If you did not already create a delta math assignment…
    Sign Up for Delta Math using “Register with Google

  2. The Assignment -> “Radicals/Exponents #2”

Homework: Today’s Delta Math assignment is due on Friday (the day of our test).