3/13/25 – Substitute

Summary: Today we spent our second official hour working on the Create Performance Task for the College Board.

Homework: “Guess My Number” (due Tuesday after break)

AP Central 2024-2025

This page is hub for information about the College Board’s AP Exam, and Create Performance Task (PT)

General Information…

Create Performance Task (Create PT) Information…

Exam Information…

3/5/25 – Guess My Number

Summary: Today we started our Guess My Number App (see below…)

Video Game Search App

  • Turn in your code (PC#24)
  • Turn in your Development Journal via Google Classroom
  • Due Thursday at midnight (3rd quarter)

Guess My Number

  • Read the requirements (PC#25)
  • Start Your new Development Journal in Google Classoom
  • Due date TBA (4th quarter)

2/14/25 – Code Review / Game Project


Calorie App Code Gallery…

    1. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/tMyTf7QlAh5FSk5YQvBinESnKC8OQWqYNmOVc_1M0ks
    2. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/PdF7sdEsnRenL2lULW2_zunGka4b-7dkVXjw_QoCzRs
    3. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/eMGsffuGeALaQ5ZbaRO4e71IOzskLwJ7kUypGkuORnc
    4. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/3v8ia7B1XCQV05jbPEuzddVrAzeXc2lxFKmduE9V-cw
    5. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/2d14aQXb1Sk4xbfYilWITkTtjh9yD4WKHBNwvY3XThk
    6. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/YHKEKDLNdgr2QQndEdEXVpxdqjl5YB4L44wQkAGpH-g
    7. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/Nv89rN1GF-KkUtEuU2EAnuoU0Ky2_ah2K2IgGVApK28
    8. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/1tL5Q7hL6XLkTbwYIJSF4YCtQfXsoImUkWt7CKhnjp8
    9. https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/UVT4zyGhK7Kb7hZJsc_S6sFKZOCoVaQwuk_jVCf3Djc

Game Project:

  1. Piccolo (Nonogram / Picross)
    • 4×4 Board
    • Start by creating a function that takes a picture and creates the guide/hints.
  2. Hopper (template)
    • Start by creating a function that takes a list representing the initial puzzle, and shows it on the board.

Homework: All Late/Missing Work is due Wednesday!