Summary: Today we started to learn about how to transform function using function notation. See the cheat sheet below.
Homework: none
Summary: Today we started practicing multiplying polynomials by using the table method.
Homework: HW05 (skip #1 and #6)
Summary: Today’s activity (CA11)…
Homework: Complete Slides #1-9
Summary: Today we looked at linear tables. Today’s activity (CA10)…
Homework: Finish today’s Slides.
Summary: Today we practiced solving word problems using linear functions.
Homework #4 (Skip: 4b, 5c, 10, 11c, 12c)
Test Corrections…
Summary: Today’s activity…
The links above are to digital versions of the practice test. Here are some similar problems on paper (solutions). Here are some Kahoot practice problems.
Homework: Study for the test tomorrow!
Summary: Today we practice finding the slope, y-intercept and other characteristics of linear functions.
Homework: Finish today’s slides #1-10 (CA08)