10/18/24 – Building a Profile Webpage

Summary: Today we started to build webapges.

W3Schools is a great resource to learn more about the languages used to build webpages. The two most useful beginner languages in this regard is HTML and CSS. We will learn how to code in JavaScript in unit three.

We will be using Replit.com as the IDE to help build our webpages. Form (remix) the links below to get started.

Your Profile Page should have the following…

  • Text describing a bit about yourself.
  • Use a unique background color.
  • Use at least three different text colors.
  • Use some bold and some italic text.
  • Use at least three images.
  • At least one image must be aligned to the right of the page.
  • Include at least one sound (.mp3 or .ogg) file that can be played.
  • Include at least YouTube video and make it as large as you can.
  • Link to at least three other webpages.


10/4/24 – Last Day of Packets

Summary: Today’s activity.

The Elements of Elegant Code…

  1. Functional – Accomplishes it’s task every time.
  2. Readable – Easy for a human to read and edit.
  3. Efficient – Executes quickly without unnecessary steps.
  4. Short – Uses the fewest lines of code.

Homework: Turtle Challenge #8 is due Monday October 14th at 8:00am.