8/23/24 – Pixel Drawing Protocol

Summary: Today we continued working our line drawing protocols and started on our pixel drawing protocols (see Google Classroom for more details).

Create a protocol to take any black and white pixel drawing on a 10×10 grid and turn it into binary.

Same as all of the other protocols (see Google Classroom for more details)

Homework: Line Drawing Protocols (due Monday morning). Pixel Drawing Protocols (due Tuesday Morning) (CA-07)

8/22/24 – Line Drawing Protocol

Summary: The fist thing we did today was register each student on the College Board Website (code: 2D9WVJ). If you’ve every had an AP class before or taken the SAT test please do not create a new account, simply sign up using your existing account. If you have never made a College Board account you will need to create a new account. Please write down the email address and password that you used so that you don’t forget it!

Today we worked on our “Square Grid Line Drawing Protocol” (see the rubric and details in Google Classroom).


Create a protocol to take any line drawing on a 12×12 grid and turn it into binary. The endpoints for every line segment of the drawing will be on a lattice point (aka on the intersection of the grid lines)


  • Functionality – The protocol accomplishes the task at hand. It always works.
  • Clarity – The protocol is written clearly and is easy to understand
  • Formatting – The document looks polished and professional.
  • Efficiency – The protocol uses as few bits as possible.
  • Ease of Use – It is fast and easy to use.
  • Examples – The protocol includes at least one example.

Homework: CA-06

8/19/24 – Rich Text Protocol Workday

Summary: Today we worked to finish our rich text protocols. Remember that you are free to plagiarize/borrow/steal from anyone’s plaintext protocol. In fact you should start creating your rich text protocol by pasting your favorite plaintext protocols and editing from there.

Homework: Rich Text Protocols due tomorrow 8:00am. See yesterday’s post or Google Classroom for details.

8/16/24 – Rich Text Protocol

Summary: Today we started by finishing our review of our plaintext protocols (Yesterday’s Activity). We then discussed our next project Rich Text Protocol.

The Rich Text Protocol is very similar to our Plaintext Protocol but must include support for the following features…

  • Size: small, medium large
  • Color: black, red, green, blue
  • Style: none, boldunderline, italic
  • Script: noscript,  subscript, superscript

The default text is medium size, black, no styles, no script.

Your protocol will be evaluated on the same following aspects…

  • Functionality – The protocol accomplishes the task at hand. It always works.
  • Clarity – The protocol is written clearly and is easy to understand
  • Formatting – The document looks polished and professional.
  • Efficiency – The protocol uses as few bits as possible.
  • Ease of Use – It is fast and easy to use.
  • Examples – The protocol includes at least one example.

Homework: Rich Text Protocols are due Tuesday at 8:00am (submit via Google Classroom)(CA-05)

8/14/24 – Plaintext Protocol Workday

Summary: Today we worked to finish our Plain Text Protocol in Google Classroom (due Tomorrow before class)(CA-03).

Write a protocol (set of instructions) on how to turn plaintext into binary and vice versa. You protocol should include the ability to write the following

  • a-z
  • A-Z
  • Punctuation . , ? ! “
  • Numbers 0-9
  • Basic Math Operations + – * /
  • And of course a “blank space” to separate words.

Be sure to include at least one example in your protocol to help illustrate how it works.

Rubric: Your work must meet the following requirements…

  • Functionality – The protocol accomplishes the task at hand. It always works.
  • Clarity – The protocol is written clearly and is easy to understand
  • Formatting – The document looks polished and professional.
  • Efficiency – The protocol uses as few bits as possible.
  • Ease of Use – It is fast and easy to use.
  • Examples – The protocol includes at least one example.

Homework: Complete your Plaintext Protocol in Google Classroom

8/13/24 – Introduction to Plaintext Protocol

Summary: Today we started by doing some bellwork in Today’s Activity and then went back to review yesterday’s test questions (we did not do the candy protocol). We then made sure that everybody created the following accounts below…

Finally we introduced the Plaintext Protocol (due Thursday)(see Google Classroom for details).

Homework: Plaintext Protocol (due Thursday)